
Admissions Information

Often, we are asked if students must be Catholic in order to attend Westside Catholic School. The answer is no. Many of our current and past students are not Catholic. We are accepting of families of all faiths and backgrounds. Below you will find information regarding enrollment policies, active parishioners, class sizes, and how to apply. 

Active and Contributing Parishioners are ones whom:

  • Regularly attend Sunday Mass
  • Participate in the life of the parish and school by using their time and talents
  • Regularly contribute to the Sunday collection and financial support of the parish
  • Registered members of the parish

Westside Catholic School will adhere to the following Order of Enrollment:
1. Active and contributing parishioners with siblings in school
2. Active and contributing parishioners
3. Active and contributing parishioners within the Westside Deanery with siblings in school
4. Active and contributing parishioners within the Westside Deanery
5. Non-Catholic families with siblings in school
6. Non-Catholic families

Enrollment Application
Complete Enrollment Application packets will be reviewed and processed for admission annually. Westside Catholic School will notify the person completing the application packet upon acceptance of their child. All tuition and fees must be paid in full for the current year to be able to register for the following school year. If you need assistance with this application process, please call the school offices.

Enrollment will be held for the Westside Catholic parishioners until May 1st of the enrolling year. Returning the Application form by May 1st is necessary to assure your place will be held. After this date, remaining openings will be filled with additional students. These families will be notified by June 1st of the enrolling year if there is an opening for their child(ren). All applications will be numbered as they are received in the school office.

If enrollment exceeds these numbers, adjustments will be made as needed to meet individual classroom needs. Any such adjustments will be an administrative decision. Exceptions to the Admissions Policy may be made by recommendations of the principal or pastors and are to be approved by the School Board of Education.

Click to View Enrollment Application Forms


  • Preschool maximum range of 10-12 per classroom
  • Pre-Kindergarten maximum range of 12-15 per classroom
  • Kindergarten - Second Grade maximum range of 20-22 per classroom

​Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Program Addendum

  • Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten will adhere to the Order of Enrollment as stated above. 
  • Enrollment in the Preschool (3 year olds) program will hold your position in the Pre-Kindergarten (4 year olds) program for the following year.
  • Enrollment in the Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten program does not automatically assure enrollment in Westside Catholic Kindergarten. 
  • Westside Catholic School will adhere to the Order of Enrollment as stated above when enrolling for Kindergarten – Grade 8.
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